Monday, October 3, 2011

paradise found

After a long haul from Thailand, we made it to Malaysia! With big plans filled with beaches and diving we headed straight to the Perhentian Islands. And Lordy, they did not disappoint. These 2 tiny islands are probably the closet to paradise I have ever been. Beautiful, quiet bays with crystal clear, calm water and amazing beaches literally to ourselves... our visit to the Perhentian Islands was definitely a success.

Our favorite beach spot appropriately named Romantic Beach.  Just further evidence proving that Vasae and I are actually on a honeymoon :)

We started each of the 3 days on the island with an amazing dive... we didn't realize that diving could get any better than in Koh Tao but man oh man, it can.  The water was perfectly clear and there were so many different kinds of remarkble fish that we were in awe each dive.  And good thing we look the part, eh?

Easily one of my favorite shots from the trip :)

After diving, relaxing and reading on the beach, we watched the sunset and headed to the other, more lively, side of the island to grab dinner and immediately return to the nerdy solitude of our room... it's amazing that this has been my recent daily schedule. It's awesome.

And another day in paradise comes to an end :)

1 comment:

  1. Anna! So proud of you. I wish we could've met up in Vietnam--- I was in Northern Vietnam July 23-30! Take care!
