Thursday, October 13, 2011

hey hey singapore city

Welcome to Singapore! The land of impressively tall buildings, massive ships from all over the world, more shopping malls than you'd ever want to imagine and some serious air conditioning...

I came to Singapore to meet up with my beloved friend, Alison, from UGA and her lovely friend, Katie, who are at the end of their month long trip in SE Asia. It makes my day when I get to see Alison at home so you can only imagine my excitement due to the fact that we get to hang out in Singapore! She's one of my favorite human beings on this planet so it was wonderful getting to catch up with her and get a little piece of home. Naturally we spent most of our time talking, sharing stories from each others' trips, eating a lot, drinking wine (oh how I have missed it), and giving each other hugs.
When not sitting by the pool catching up we managed to do our best to see some of Singapore.  We visited the famous Singapore Zoo, the beautiful botanical gardens where we had a lovely picnic, little India, and a few of the bazillion shopping malls that offer up some of the best people watching in Asia.

We were also lucky enough to meet 2 German friends while in Singapore. Another dear friend from UGA, Erin, let us know that her boyfriend and friend would also be traveling in Singapore at the same time so we all planned to meet up. What we thought would be an innocent little meet-up turned into a ridiculous night of drinking on a bridge, meeting some awesome locals and riding around in a tiny, vintage Bug. Don't ask me how it happened, it just did. That's kinda how things work with these German guys, more to come on them later...

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